Fractions with Slime
Practicing fractions has never been so much fun!
Supplies Needed
- Divide your students into groups.(Look at you already makingfractions!) Make sure each group hastheir own supplies. Increase suppliesas needed so there’s enough for each group.
- Write the recipe for making slime on the board: Thoroughly mix 5 fl. oz. of Elmer’s® Glow in the Dark Glue with ½ tbsp. of baking soda. Then add 1 tbsp. of contact lens solution, mixing until the slime forms.
- Now challenge the groups to make variations of the recipe, using fractions to adjust the recipe. Have one group halve the recipe, another group quarter the recipe, and a third group makes one-third of the recipe. Make sure they do the math problems and keep track of their formulas on a piece of paper.
- Have them divide their slime in half, then quarters. How much is ¼ + ¼? How much is ¾ – ½? Make sure they write all of their problems and solutions out on paper to turn in. For added fun, lower the lights to see your slime glow.

* Adult supervision is required; this project is not appropriate for children under the age of 3 years. Always wash your hands before
and after making and playing with slime. Warning: If large quantities of contact lens solution are accidentally ingested (greater than a tablespoon), get medical attention immediately.
* Some contact solution brands work better than others. Check out the Slime Tips section at for details.