Newell Brands Acquisition
Newell Brands® acquires Elmer’s®.
Newell Brands® acquires Elmer’s®.
Elmer’s® No-Run School Glue is introduced. A new twist on an old favourite featuring a new, improved formula that doesn’t run and stays where you put it.
Elmer’s® begins expanding into Kids Arts & Crafts with Glue Colours, making a big impact on the market with colourful, creative and just plain cool products for kids!
CraftBond introduced.
Elmer’s® Glue Stick introduced.
Elmer’s® School Glue introduced.
Elmer’s® becomes essential part of woodworker’s toolkit, as wood adhesives introduced.
Elsie and Elmer are a beloved All-American family complete with four calves, Beulah, Beauregard, Larabee and Labelia.
Elmer the Bull chosen as marketing symbol for consumer glue. Cascorez renamed Elmer’s® Glue-All and repackaged in plastic squeeze bottle.
Cascorez, a PVA based household glue is introduced.